Sunday, December 1, 2013

5 Simple Habits For Performance Enhancement

We are always evolving, looking for the next greatest thing to enhance performance. The reality is that it all starts with the basics.

KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid, and you'll be blown away by the gains you make!

  1. Wake up a few minutes early to make sure you get a healthy breakfast in you that include lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and a little fat. Starting your day off on the right foot will give you the energy you need, when you need it. 
  2. Take a multi-vitamin in the morning with breakfast everyday. Many of us don’t get enough of the daily nutrients needed to deal with a stressful day and hard workout. Daily stress along with training or practice or hard play can wreak havoc on your body. Give it a smart, healthful boost to help it recover faster, and keep from breaking down.
  3. Drink 8 cups of water throughout the day plus 2 cups for every hour of training or playing. Did you know that for every 1% of dehydration, you lose 1% of energy? Thirst isn’t a good gauge because you don’t get thirsty until 6-8% dehydration. Drink up!
  4. Arrive 5 minutes earlier to your training session for a good warm up, and stay 5 minutes later to work on recovery. Think about this; a proper warm up before a session can add an extra 5-10 minutes of quality practice every day. Through a season, it can make up to 8 high level, full practices ahead of your peers and opponents. On the back-end, staying a few minutes later gives you enough time to work on your recovery habits.
  5. Stay disciplined. Do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it. Being disciplined is a mental toughness drill. You may be tired, hungry, or even asked to do something more fun than the task at hand. Don't lose focus on the important things like family, school, work, friends, and sports. Pay it forward now, and you’ll have less stress later giving you better focus and performance.
For high school athletes, the winter season is about to begin. I usually say this isn't the time to start forming new habits, but these habits are the exception to the rule. Not too late to start now, and easy enough to maintain  and have Your Best Season Yet!
Yours in Training,

PS: For more information about training, improving your sports performance and health, visit us at or email

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